Amaziah on Live Stream?

Amaziah on Live Stream?

Now that the live stream with Dr. Edgar Allan Wright has concluded, I feel I must speak out on this. 

The list of individuals in the accompanying picture were people who had received a special Hangout link that would be used to enter the live stream and address the good doctor on a question they had. One of the individuals who was on that list was none other than Amaziah Lachish.

Amaziah, for those of you reading this who don't know him, is a mysterious individual associated with the AntiMAGNUS society. He acts as a "Prime Aritfact Hunter"-someone who travels the world(and has possibly been travelling throughout history as a simulacrum who recurses) to obtain Prime Artifacts that can be used by the AntiMAGNUS to bring back the N'zeer.

Why was he watching the stream? Was he possibly spying on Wright somehow? I'm none too sure. Dr. Wright, I implore you to share your thoughts on this matter. 



  1. Whoa, very interesting! What is EAW's relationship with Amaziah?

  2. This could be how Dr.Wright's location was comprised.

    Or, conversely, maybe Amaziah was with him. Dr.Wright was talking to someone in the room. And he did put an emphasis on find prime artifacts. Is it possible that Amaziah is aligned with Antimagnus, but is working with Dr.Wright to collect these artifacts?

  3. Would Wright have invited him inadvertently or is it more likely that they had some arrangement?

  4. Excellent observation. I missed the broadcast last night. Was there anything on Amaziah?

  5. The hangout wasn't exactly a secret. He could have dropped in on his own. You know, super-secret spy stuff.

  6. flint dille We didn't see him on the show. To be honest, I was supposed to go on but there was some sort of interference that prevented me. Yik Sheng Lee​, Thomas Arteaga​ and Mildred Cady​ can attest that my microphone and webcam were with fine before the show. As soon as I clicked the special hangout link I was provided by Ingress​, it just didn't work.

    I'm not saying that Amaziah stopped me from going on but it is something odd that happened that I think I should address.

  7. Confirmation-

    Mustafa Said did a couple of tests with a couple of people for both the video and audio, but couldn't join the hangout properly. I was having some problems too, until I could get things sorted out. Camilo had problems too.

    Also, I didn't see you that person among the people in the audio/video part of the discussion.

  8. Mildred Cady Which is also odd. He wasn't in the stream but he had the means to join if he so wanted. Why didn't he join?

  9. there were several bizarre happenings during the stream. unusual noises, stream lag and interruptions. Those could have been purposeful distractions.

  10. Aaron Poirier It's very possible. I hope Dr. Wright will answer with his thoughts on this matter.

  11. Sarah Rosen The hangout was no secret, of course. But the method to enter it live was limited to only a select group of people who had questions to ask live. How he was able to obtain the link and why he'd want it is beyond me.

  12. Exactly as Mustafa Said​. Amaziah Lachish​ was invited into the hangout as a participant.


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