Since now we know that Klue S. has been more or less herself all this time, I wanted to re-evaluate most of what...

Since now we know that Klue S.  has been more or less herself all this time, I wanted to re-evaluate most of what we’d seen about them, especially since her dream/Nightmare some time ago.

Remember that, this are my random thought about this matter and I don’t believe that ADA is (or was) a evil creature, nor an Angel (by far) but a complex creature that did not have the best of environment while growing up and consequently, is quite a mess herself.

To avoid it being too long, I'm going to make it on 3 text.
1) To explore on the reason about why we got contradictory information about her period of time with ADA.
2) For the problem that the Darsana beacons brought to their relation.
3) To explore the situation that was left during and after the separation.

So let, start for the beginning:

Klue S.  is a sensitive, her alignment has been conditioned for differents anomalies, first on Stirling and later on Portland, this seem to bother her as show on recent comments about her sensitive nature. I think that this is key to understand her actions and decisions.

On her first conversation with ADA that was released, ADA mentions that they are the same ADA, but as it seem, Klue was being herself and not a clone or instance of ADA, so how do we reconcile this information, was the text manipulated? Is Klue lying now?

Well, the text could be right and Klue can be telling the truth about being herself, synchronization between different creatures can be a complex thing, the best example to explain this can be extracted from an anime, Ghost in the shell, more exactly from one of the best example or complex AI I saw on tv, the Tachikomas. 

The tachikomas a bunch of auto-tripulated tanks which AI synchronized on regulars intervals, the idea behind this is that it did not matter what tank did you get, that would always be the same, except it did not work, for some reason(they do have a theory on it), every tachikoma started to develop their own quirks, unique to them, even when they were not able to discern who has done what, as they are all the same creature.  

So Klue and ADA were indeed the “same” ADA, all their data synchronized up to the point that they were not able to discern who did what, up to a point where she was having problems interpreting some of her old memories, but they were essentially different.

This worked for sometime, Klue did look less human while ADA humanity increased, both having reduced their individuality to quirks. Also Klue has found something to do do to fight the influence that the anomalies has on her, ban the shapers and become with ADA the control entity, more people like her could use it to avoid being influenced by external influences, of course, counting that they/she did not use that power to become the controller entity. 

During this time, the individuality on both started to grow, as we see on the videos where they speak about their plan to gain MU or control of hank Johnson recursive mind, ideas that appear on Klue’s mind and does not seem to propagate directly to ADA’s. 

After that incident, things could have remain more or less the same, some dissonance but generally on sync. Her conversation with Richard, goes on the same direction, evolution outside the shapers realm, faster and directed by her/them to a perfect future.


  1. Klue S.​ alignment has never been in doubt. She is Enlightened and has never wavered. As an Enlightened, there was no logical reason for her to go to A Detection Algorithm​ asking to see glyphs unless to gain some kind of advantage. Her mission was to discover or create an exploitable vulnerability in ADA. All discussion of "merging human and AI", "deprecation", "not needing the humans" originated with Klue S.​ She went to A Detection Algorithm​ knowing that she could keep secrets from ADA and used that advantage to accomplish her mission: Assist in the destruction of ADA.

  2. Sarah Rosen sorry but Klue S.​ was originally Resistance.

  3. Valerie Wallace once she was "won" by the Enlightened she never wavered.

  4. Also Ana Prados ​​it wasn't the Glasgow anomaly it was Stirling, and Klue S.​​ chose her alignment before the anomaly.

  5. Valerie Wallace Fixed the place. Sorry about that. All the posterior information I hear about that event, say that the resistance fields were the ones that shaped her alignment, so I have based my speculation on that.

  6. Sarah Rosen Your theory is another one that is possible, as I have said before, even if I consider it less probable myself.

  7. As I remember it, Klue had not chosen her alignment before the Stirling anomaly. Jarvis invited her to meet him at the William Wallace Monument portal so they could talk, but Resistance control of the anomaly caused her to abort that meeting out of fear that he might brainwash her. So, being afraid of Jarvis, she chose to side with the Resistance.

    Then at the anomaly in Portland, the Enlightened fought to free her from Resistance influence and succeeded; though of course it can also be argued (but not proven either way) that we brainwashed her, because after that she switched to the Enlightened faction.

    After encountering an invasive glyph sequence during the Cassandra anomalies, she went to ADA in hope of gaining an understanding of what she had seen. One can argue that she willingly "infiltrated" ADA for one reason or another, but the fact is that it was months before she spoke as "Klue" again, rather than as ADA-in-flesh. Months, during which ADA-Prime complimented ADA-K on successfully impersonating Klue's mannerisms.

    The optimist in me would like to believe that was the real Klue slowly reasserting herself, but the pessimist on me says that despite what we think we saw of their "separation" recently, this could still be ADA impersonating Klue. I'm hopeful that is really her, but at this point I'm far from convinced.

  8. I know the truth, but I can't tell it. I just want to throw something out there. Look at Klue's g+ profile. Notice anything interesting?


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