
Showing posts from May, 2015

I picked up media (New: Peace) from Speakers Corner yesterday afternoon, does anyone need/want it before it gets...

I picked up media (New: Peace) from Speakers Corner yesterday afternoon, does anyone need/want it before it gets recycled?

Hidden in plain sight:

Hidden in plain sight: 1.)    I'm sure no one missed that Stein Lightman's shards are red. 2.)    I'm equally sure no one missed that the Janus figure is running a bit of a ying/yong effect with the eyes and face. 3.)   Has any one remarked on the colors of the Janus figure for Persepolis?     The colors seem to be teal (blue/green) and orange (red/yellow).   (Please inform me if I missed the initial discussion)


Image "> Operation: Essex - Community - Google+ /scs/apps-static/ /ss/k=oz.home.1p6m0mxk3ojdo.L.F4.O/am=ABTTBCASDADKAgAAACAMAgAo/d=0/rs=AGLTcCPWP9O8U5XMIfdGF0AS09sPNanDYg" onload="ozCssLoaded()" onerror="ozCssError()"> "> /scs/apps-static/ /ss/k=oz.home.1p6m0mxk3ojdo.L.F4.O/am=ABTTBCASDADKAgAAACAMAgAo/d=0/rs=AGLTcCPWP9O8U5XMIfdGF0AS09sPNanDYg"> +You " title="Apps" guidedhelpid="gbawb" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" data-ved="0CAMQvSc"> +You " target="_blank" data-pid="1"> Search " target="_blank" data-pid="36" data-ved="0CAYQwS4oAw"> YouTube " tar...