Sorry if I'm rehashing a well worn subject.

Sorry if I'm rehashing a well worn subject.

I just did two glyphs back to back and got,

Help Resistence Capture All Portals
Help Enlightenment Capture All Portals

And I thought, what if we're approaching it from the wrong perspective?

I mean, in risk analysis, an important question is, who stands to gain?

So I'm thinking, human agents are getting played like pawns (help capture vs liberate portals). [By] Shapers & Ada (important pieces). The Corps and others want to be other important peices in the 'game'. So then, what else is overlooked?

What if xm has or is, linked to a form of consciousness independent of the lot of them?

So then it wouldn't be outlandish to say that Ada and the shapers are "riding" this 'inevitable' (?) 'process' (?) while pitting us (humans) against each other (while the Corps and maybe Bogdanovic are power hungry to have the same status?).

I'm most likely wrong. Too many assumptions stacked up cannot lead to anything.


  1. First there was nothing, Then there was One. Out of a disagreement between the two a third appeared. Then there was infinity.

  2. I mean. The natural state of portals is white/gray. So I thought xm could be playing a 'double' game of some sort, seeking independence (liberation) from both Ada/Shapers, warning humans of the dangers both (and any like - intended entity) bring to future 'civilization'.

  3. Double blind study meant to interpret glyphs?

    Scheme to increase engagement at portals to facilitate Omnivore in sensing mental state?

    Trojan horse to influence the patterns we leave entangled with portals?

    Weaponization of our minds as we broadcast signals into the XM substrate?

    There are still many open questions about this "game" if glyphs we are incentivised to play with XM constructs.

  4. XM or self* ordering data exists independent of an interdimensional/Paraterrestrial species such as shapers and Supr AIs like ADA. All carbon based life forms do cell division and rely on their DNA to order and delegate functions by their own nature alone. That is self ordering data through a biological mechanism. The use of powerful and advanced technology and assistance of AI Merely provide an enhanced apparatus that is already there and the possibility of an advanced alien civilization that may have queitly influenced and "Shaped ours " is merely a template for us to aspire or avoid its trappings.>>> ALL/XM/LIBERATE <<<

  5. Mike Wissinger RE: Trojan Horse- ---- I have an unpublished design you may be interested in. I'd like to refine it some but hold up. Let me try to dig it up.


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